I can't believe it's been 11 years since you were born.
Has time really gone that fast?
I blinked and you grew into this young man.
When I look at you I still see this cute little boy with the huge smile and deep voice.
So much has happened in your eleven years.
You were born in the midst of Y2K,
Before cell phones and Mp3 players,
before the Wii or NintendoDS.
You were walking by 9 months and couldn't wait to go exploring.
You became a big brother before you were 3.
And just before that there was the tragedy of September 11, 2001.
When you were four we moved into our first home.
You played t-ball and learned to ride a bike.
Just before you turned six you became a big brother again.
We moved into our second house when you were seven
When you were eight you went to Disneyland for the first time.
When you were ten you went again but this time
it was on your birthday.
You were baptized.
So much has happened I just can't name it all. I just can't believe you were born over a decade ago.
I don't remember giving you my permission to grow up.
You are such a sweet boy. You have an amazing laugh and love to be silly.
You are great at video games. One of your favorites is Guitar Hero.
You are getting really good at playing the clarinet.
You love going to church and being a part of the scouts.
You're one growth spurt away from getting clothes from the mens department.
You can eat ribs by the dozen and your favorite color is red.
I think we have similar personalities and that means that we clash from time to time.
You have such an old soul and are wise beyond your years.
You have a desire to learn how things work.
You are becoming this young man who I am so very proud of.
I will blink again and soon you will be driving,
going on a mission...
getting married...
but I will forever see you
as that sweet baby boy with a full head of dark hair
that I once held in my arms.
Happy Birthday my little man.
I love you,